Outstanding CRA Rating
The federal Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), enacted in 1977, requires banks to help meet the credit needs of the communities they serve, including low- and moderate-income communities.
All JPMC subsidiary banks which are subject to the CRA, have "Outstanding" CRA ratings.
- JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. receives "Outstanding" CRA rating (January 1, 2007)
In 2007, JP Morgan Chase Bank earned the highest possible CRA rating of "Outstanding" from its federal regulator. Under the lending, investment and service tests, the bank is examined on its mortgage, small business and community development lending, its community development investments and its retail banking and community development services in its communities. This exam, which was first for the new Chase bank, focused on the bank's CRA-eligible activities from 2004-2006.
- Chase Bank, Spain, N.A. receives "Outstanding" CRA rating
Chase Bank, Spain received a CRA rating of "Outstanding" from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, in its examination report dated November 2, 2008. The Chase Spain exam reviewed CRA eligible activities for 2006-2008.
JP Morgan Chase is proud to have received these ratings, and plans to continue delivering the highest standard of service and quality to the communities that it serves. JP Morgan Chase is committed to sustaining outstanding CRA performance ratings in each of its subsidiary banks and maintaining a leadership role in community development in all of its banks' markets. We are proud of the firm's CRA accomplishments and our ability to work as a team in delivering the resources of JP Morgan Chase to the communities in which we do business.