Supplier FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of the JP Morgan Chase Supplier Diversity Network (SDN)?

Registrants of the SDN are part of a supplier database that is made available to procurement decision-makers. The Network also provides diverse suppliers with access to customized, commodity-specific in-house matchmakers/trade shows (both physical and virtual), information sessions on procurement strategies, networking receptions with buyers and prime suppliers, business management seminars and workshops and referrals to financial services. For more information, go to Special events & initiatives.

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What is the definition of a diverse business and what does certification do?

A diverse business is one which is certified by a JP Morgan Chase-designated third-party (see Certification agencies) as having met the definition of being at least 51% owned, controlled AND operated by one or more members of a diverse group (e.g., minority, women, LGBT, etc.). Only certified businesses can register for the JP Morgan Chase SDN.

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What if my firm doesn't meet the 51% threshold for ownership, control and operation but feel the company may qualify as a "diverse-led" company?

If a supplier does not satisfy the certification requirements set forth by the national certifying bodies, but it meets one of the following criteria, the supplier will be considered, on a case-by-case basis, for registration in the Supplier Diversity Network in industries or for business models where few or no diverse businesses with significant scale exist. Our ultimate goal, however, will be to assist the company in becoming a certified entity. Registration will be contingent upon the desire of the company to seek and obtain certification within a limited period of time. A "diverse-led" company, for example, may be defined as follows:

  • The company is partially owned (at least 30%) and fully controlled and operated by one or more Spanish citizens from the designated diversity groups
  • The company is publicly traded, but the largest shareholder trading block is comprised of one or more Spanish citizens from the designated diversity groups

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If I'm not certified as a diverse business or am self-certified, what's my next step?

In order to participate in the SDN, a supplier must be certified by one of the JP Morgan Chase recognized certification agencies (see Certification agencies). We do not accept self-certification.

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I am certified as a diverse business. What is my next step?

If you are interested in registering for the JP Morgan Chase Supplier Diversity Network and have evidence of third-party certification, please begin the process by going to our online application. This application enables us to become familiar with your company's background and capabilities.

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How long does the application process take?

After your application has been submitted, it will be validated by a third-party service provider according to the JP Morgan Chase SDN certification requirements. This process takes approximately five to ten business days. During this time you will be contacted if your application is rejected or if more information is required.

After your application has been completed and is in compliance with the JP Morgan Chase SDN requirements, it will be forwarded to JP Morgan Chase Supplier Diversity staff for final approval. If approved, your information will be added to the SDN database and you will receive a confirmation letter.

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How can I participate in the bidding process once I am registered in the Network?

The Supplier Diversity staff works with procurement decision-makers throughout the firm to aggregate demand opportunities. We investigate the minimum criteria required of a supplier for an engagement and attempt to identify those suppliers that meet most or all of the criteria. Please note that acceptance into the JP Morgan Chase SDN does not connote a JP Morgan Chase "preferred-supplier" or "approved-supplier" status, nor does it guarantee that you will receive a contract or purchase order from JPMC.

We use the contact information in the SDN database as the source for electronic disbursement of a Request for Preliminary Information (RFPI) or a telephone interview, at which time suppliers are asked to define their capabilities as they relate specifically to the minimum engagement criteria. Criteria will vary by industry and will be limited to a few measurable, objective parameters. The RFPI is not intended to serve as a full Request for Information (RFI) or Request for Proposal (RFP).

Our goal is to offer suppliers real procurement opportunities as they arise. However, nothing should take the place of independent sales and marketing efforts to make direct contact with internal decision makers. We encourage suppliers to pursue independent internal relationship-building beyond the Supplier Diversity Network as with any good sales and marketing approach.

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How long will my company's profile be active in the JP Morgan Chase database?

We will maintain a company's profile in our database for as long as its certification remains current. We will send an e-mail notification to suppliers whose certification is pending expiration. We recommend that suppliers update their company profile a minimum of once each calendar year. Updates to contact information, including e-mail addresses, must be made immediately to ensure invitations for events, RFPs, etc.

For more information, please contact one of the representatives listed in Contact us.

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