Our Supplier Diversity Network is comprised of certified diverse businesses that have registered in our system. The Network is the preferred resource used to select diverse suppliers to compete for contracting opportunities.
As bidding opportunities arise, the Corporate Supplier Diversity team, working with sourcing and procurement professionals, actively utilize this database to screen diverse suppliers against industry--specific criteria for the opportunity at-hand. To receive maximum consideration for these opportunities, you should be diligent in maintaining a current and accurate listing in the system, keeping key--contact and email addresses current.
Register or learn more about supplier diversity using the links below. Have questions? Visit our FAQ page or contact us for more information.
Benefits of registering in the JP Morgan Chase Supplier Diversity Network include:
Upon completion of your application, a decision will be made regarding your profile. If your application is accepted, your company's information will be added to the JP Morgan Chase SDN database, which is accessible to JP Morgan Chase procurement decision makers. While acceptance into the network does NOT mean a preferred supplier status nor contractual agreement, it does provide greater visibility to upcoming contracting opportunities that your firm may be qualified to compete for. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to introduce your company’s products and services to JP Morgan Chase.
In order to take advantage of these and other benefits, a company must register in the JP Morgan Chase SDN. To register, click the link below to complete an online application.
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To successfully complete the JP Morgan Chase Supplier Diversity Network application process, your company must be certified as a diverse supplier.
JP Morgan Chase recognizes various third-party public and private sector certifications. The organizations below are those whose certifications we accept. Other certifications may be accepted on a case-by-case basis with some restrictions. Those businesses not yet certified as a diverse business are encouraged to apply and to indicate interest in seeking certification.
*We offer links to non-JP Morgan Chase Web sites for convenience. We do not sponsor these sites, nor are we responsible for information that appears on them.
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JP Morgan Chase hosts a number of customized in-house and virtual Matchmakers/Trade Shows, information sessions on procurement strategies, networking receptions with buyers and prime suppliers, business management seminars and workshops and referrals to financial services. Highlights of the JP Morgan Chase Supplier Diversity experience include:
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Our customized in-house matchmakers/trade shows have:
These events are customized to the specific upcoming needs of procurement professionals and enable buyers and prime suppliers to interview diverse suppliers for direct and subcontracting opportunities. Events take place in the local markets closest to where decision makers reside.
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