

Doing Business with JP Morgan Chase

Building strong relationships is the cornerstone of our success. At JP Morgan Chase, we place particular value in our supplier partnerships. Thanks to the help of a diverse range of suppliers and advisors, we are able to serve our clients, shareholders, communities and employees more efficiently. The quality of our supplier relationships has a direct impact on our competitive position. Our suppliers' products and services affect the quality of our own products and services. As such, we seek to work with those suppliers who provide the best combination of price, quality and capability to meet our needs.

We are committed to holding ourselves and our supplier community to the highest standards of business conduct and integrity. We have a zero tolerance policy for breaches of ethics and expect our suppliers to adhere to the strict guidelines of our supplier code of conduct.

Building and maintaining a competitive franchise requires innovation, teamwork and continuous improvement. Our supplier selection process is stringent and allows us to use only suppliers that meet our specific needs. We actively manage our suppliers and monitor their ongoing performance to promote and build the best possible relationship between our firms. We seek to enhance the JP Morgan Chase team through establishing relationships with a diverse range of suppliers who share our goals and values.

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Our commitment to Supplier Diversity

At JP Morgan Chase we are committed to cultivating business relationships with firms owned and operated by minorities, women and other historically underutilized groups. We're challenging the way business is done by demonstrating market leadership in Supplier Diversity.

Since 1994, we've spent over $5 Billion with diverse suppliers. We believe that by helping to build a strong and vibrant business community that is reflective of all segments of society, we create mutual gain with the communities we serve.

Register now or learn more about supplier diversity