How to Apply - Spanish

Spanish Domestic Grantees

To be considered for support, a potential grantee must first submit an online Letter of Inquiry. You will receive an automatic electronic notification after the Letter of Inquiry has been successfully submitted. If we are unable to consider your proposal for funding at this time, you will receive notification.

Questions on the letter of inquiry will include:

  • A brief description of your organization's:
    • Mission
    • Program/project description
    • Program/project budget
    • Geography to be served
  • Your contact information

Documents to Provide

  • The organization's most recent audited financial statements.
  • A list of board members and their affiliations.

If the proposal is being considered and further qualifies, you will be contacted and asked to complete a full grant application.

Grant applications may be submitted throughout the year. A conversation with the appropriate Community Relations Officer prior to submitting a grant application is strongly encouraged. Please view list of contacts below. If you received funding in the previous year(s), you will be asked to submit an online report on use of funds prior to applying for new funding.

The grant application will be evaluated based on the following guidelines:

  • Alignment with our three focus areas of philanthropic giving
  • Demonstration of effective organizational, programmatic and financial objective setting and management
  • Evidence of broad-based support, with an accounting of funds received from public and private sources
  • Description of the target population to be served
  • Evidence that the service is a response to a valid need, is superior to other competing services and/or encourages collaboration with other organizations for maximum leverage
  • Documentation of previous program success or substantial reasons to expect such success in the future